The Portland Miniature Schnauzer Club (PMSC) was formed in 1967 with the purpose of promoting education, responsible breeding, and holding dog shows and obedience trials. The PMSC is affiliated with the American Miniature Schnauzer Club and the American Kennel Club.
The PMSC holds several events each year, including dog shows. We sponsor the entry of Miniature Schnauzers in obedience, agility and performance events in late November/early December. In summer we host an all breed health clinic for OFA testing for eyes and heart. Our community outreach event, the Schnauzer Walk is held in September. The dog shows are only for Miniature Schnauzers and usually have an entry of 30-50 dogs who compete for championship points and Best of Breed and for obedience and Rally points and titles and High Scoring Miniature Schnauzer. In the late November event all breeds compete in obedience, rally, agility, and various performance events. The PMSC supports the entry of Miniature Schnauzers at this event.
Schnauzer Walk
Date: September 20, 2025
Location: End of Oregon Trail Park | Oregon City
The Schnauzer Walk is for all schnauzer lovers of all sizes, members or not, and their dogs to get together for a day of fun. There are usually about 100-150 schnauzers of all sizes at the Walk. Activities include a walk around the park, contests, rescue parade, confidence course, barn hunt, grooming, and more. A portion of the profits from the Walk go to Miniature Schnauzer health research.
We meet once a month on the second Tuesday of the month. We meet in person, and by video, and we vary the time of day to accommodate different schedules. You are welcome to attend meetings as our guest, and later to apply for membership if you’re interested. Please email info@pmsc2.org for specific information.
All club members are willing to devote time to educate each other and Miniature Schnauzer owners in general. Get to know the members and you will find willing membership sponsors or mentors.